Logainmneacha Chorcaí & Áitainmneacha Chiarraí, organisers of the Cork and Kerry Place Name Surveys acknowledge the assistance of the following:

It was the participation of hundreds of primary and post primary teachers, their students, parents, community associations, historical societies and the general public that made the collection and mapping of a very large volume of the minor placename heritage of Cork and Kerry possible.

Aspects of the Place Name Survey were grant aided by the Irish Government’s Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Dúchas and by Cork and Kerry Co. Councils. The National Training Authority (formerly FÁS) supported the voluntary Seanchas Research Training Programme which made possible the co-ordination of placename data into a compilation of some 186 bound volumes of maps and references to Cork and Kerry placenames. The bound volume collection forms the Cork Place Name Archive at Cork County Library and that for Kerry forms the Kerry Place Name Archive at Kerry County Archives.

The Leader Programme and Heritage Council funded Community projects for organizing and conducting townland and parish placename gathering surveys in many areas of County Cork and County Kerry.

Ordnance Survey Ireland, Archaeological Survey of Ireland, Áras na Díge Teo, and Dúnlaoí Teo, Corcaigh; National Library, Kerry County Library, Cork County Library, Boole Library- University College Cork, National Folklore Archive-University College Dublin and other institutions facilitated placename research initiatives by the compiler and a team of assistants.

The Cork and Kerry Place Name Survey achieved its objectives of creating Ireland’s only public Place Name Archives and brought the initiative to an orderly closure in 2010. Perhaps, others will take on the challenge of collecting and mapping more of the minor placename heritage of Cork and Kerry and hopefully of other counties. The methodology for doing that is well established. Sincere thanks to all who participated in the Cork and Kerry Place Name Surveys (1995-2010).

Éamon Lankford, Compiler of the Cork and Kerry Place Name Archive